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Gendarmerie Public Security Point Opened in Salihli OSB

Gendarmerie Public Security Point was built in Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OSB). The building, which was built for better security and peace in the region, was opened.

The Gendarmerie Public Security Point, which will serve under the Salihli District Gendarmerie Command Central Police Station Command, will immediately intervene in public order, work accidents and other incidents that may occur in the region. Speaking at the ceremony that started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, Salihli Organized Industrial Zone Chairman Muhittin Bilget wished that the Gendarmerie Public Security Point would be beneficial to the region. Salihli Mayor Mazlum Nurlu wished that the Gendarmerie Public Security Point would be beneficial to the Salihli Organized Industrial Zone and said, "I express my great satisfaction with this beautiful work done in terms of ensuring the peace and tranquility of our Organized Industrial Zone. I wish our friends working here good duties without any accidents." Manisa Governor Enver Ünlü said that Salihli OSB Public Order Point will play an important role in meeting security needs, maintaining order and combating crimes and criminals. After the prayer made by the district mufti Ali Çebi, the Gendarmerie Public Security Point was put into service. In addition to Governor Enver Ünlü, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Brigadier General Zafer Tombul, Salihli District Governor Mehmet Kamil Sağlam, Salihli Mayor Mazlum Nurlu, Salihli Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor Furkan Kağan Yüksek, Salihli Chamber of Commerce and Industry President İbrahim Yüksel, Manisa Provincial Deputy Gendarmerie Commanders Colonel Ali Rıza Gümüş and Colonel İlker Özcan, Salihli District Gendarmerie Commander Captain Doğukan Karaaslan, Salihli District Deputy Police Chief Mesut Laleoğlu, Salihli OSB Chairman Muhittin Bilget, representatives of political parties and guests attended the opening ceremony.

Source: Behzat AKCAN

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