We Add Value to Industry and the Region, We Build the Future!


Salihli OIZ Board of Directors held the first meeting of September

Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held the first meeting of September Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held the first meeting of September under the chairmanship of President Muhittin Bilget. Deputy Chairman Yunus Er and Board Members Mustafa Kemal Sönmez, Rasim Selçuk and Ercan Petekkaya attended the meeting. At the meeting, the 1st and 2nd Stages...

Salihli Osb Board of Directors held the last meeting of July

  Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held its last meeting of July Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held its last meeting of July under the chairmanship of our Chairman Muhittin Bilget. The meeting was attended by Yunus Er, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mustafa Kemal Sönmez, Ercan Petekkaya and Rasim Selçuk, who participated via Zoom.

In our Salihli Organized Industrial Zone, Arcan Danışmanlık Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş. started production

Arcan Danışmanlık Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Started Production in Salihli Organized Industrial Zone The development of Salihli Organized Industrial Zone continues rapidly. Arcan Danışmanlık Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş., which is located in the 2nd stage of the zone and has a total of 5,750 square meters of industrial parcels, has started production in its 3,581 square meter closed area. A.Ş. started olive oil production, bottling and filling activities in its 3,581 square meter closed area....

Deva İçecek San. ve Tic.A.Ş. started production in our Salihli Organized Industrial Zone.

Deva İçecek San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Starts Production in Salihli Organized Industrial Zone A.Ş. Started Production Deva İçecek San. ve Tic. A.Ş. started production with its new factory. Raki, ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages will be produced in the 7,498 square meter closed area of the facility located on a total industrial parcel of 20,302 square meters....

Salihli Osb Board of Directors held the second meeting of July

Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held its second meeting of July Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held its second meeting of July under the chairmanship of Chairman Muhittin Bilget. Deputy Chairman Yunus Er and Board Members Mustafa Kemal Sönmez, Rasim Selçuk (via Zoom) and Ercan Petekkaya attended the meeting. The meeting

Salihli Osb Board of Directors held the first meeting of July

Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held the first meeting of July Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held the first meeting of July under the chairmanship of our Chairman Muhittin Bilget. Deputy Chairman Yunus Er and Board Members Mustafa Kemal Sönmez, Rasim Selçuk and Ercan Petekkaya attended the meeting. At the meeting, the next...