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Salihli Osb Board of Directors held the first meeting of August

Salihli Organized Industrial Zone Board of Directors Meeting was held Salihli Organized Industrial Zone's Board of Directors met under the chairmanship of President Muhittin Bilget. Deputy Chairman Yunus Er and members Mustafa Kemal Sönmez, Rasim Selçuk, Ercan Petekkaya also attended the meeting. At the meeting, the status of the 1st and 2nd stages of the Organized Industrial Zone, financial and administrative issues,...

Gendarmerie Public Security Point Opened in Salihli OSB

Gendarmerie Public Security Point was built in Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OSB). The building, which was built for better security and peace in the region, was inaugurated. The Gendarmerie Public Security Point, which will serve under the Salihli District Gendarmerie Command Central Police Station Command, will immediately respond to work accidents and other incidents that may occur in the region, especially public order.

Salihli OIZ Meeting Held Under the Presidency of Governor Ünlü

Salihli Organized Industrial Zone Entrepreneurship Committee Meeting was held under the chairmanship of Governor Enver Ünlü and with the participation of the members of the Entrepreneurship Committee. At the meeting, the current status of the OIZ, the investments made, infrastructure works and future projects were evaluated. At the meeting, important decisions were taken in order to increase the industrial potential of Salihli, encourage investors and accelerate the economic development of the region.

Salihli OSB 1st Ordinary General Assembly was held with elections and the new management was announced

In accordance with the Law No. 4562 on Organized Industrial Zones and the Organized Industrial Zones Implementation Regulation, the "1st Ordinary General Assembly Meeting with Elections" was held under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Technology officials since more than half of the total parcels in Salihli OIZ have started production. Among the agenda items at the meeting, 9 original and 9 substitute members to be included in the Entrepreneurship Committee...

Fire Department to be Established in Salihli OSB

With the protocol to be signed between Manisa Metropolitan Municipality and Salihli Organized Industrial Zone, a fire station will be established in the region. In this context, Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Ali Öztozlu examined the construction of the fire station with Salihli Organized Industrial Zone Chairman Mehmet Demir. The equipment and vehicles will also be provided by Salihli Organized Industrial Zone...

Salihli Gendarmerie explained KADES in OSB

Gendarmerie teams in Salihli explained the Women's Emergency Support Application (KADES), which was developed to be used in emergencies by women working in the Organized Industrial Zone (OSB) and exposed to violence. Gendarmerie teams in Salihli provided detailed information about KADES, which was developed so that women who are subjected to domestic violence or who are likely to be subjected to violence can report more easily.