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Salihli OSB Web Site Renewed: With a New Face

https://salihliosb.org.tr/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/reklam.mp4 Salihli Organized Industrial Zone Website Renewed: Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) has renewed its website in order to have a stronger presence in the digital world. With its user-friendly interface and modern design, Salihli OIZ aims to offer its visitors a faster, more comprehensive and accessible experience. The new website is designed for the industrial...

Visit to Salihli Osb from Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Street Animal Protection Commission

VISIT TO SALİHLİ OSB FROM MANİSA METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY STREET ANIMALS PROTECTION COMMISSION Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Street Animals Protection Commission Chairman and CHP Manisa Metropolitan Municipality Assembly Member Uğur Doğan, Salihli Municipality Deputy Mayors Selim Akbıyıkoğlu and İsmail Hakkı Aslan, Health Affairs Department Coordinator Derya Hüner, Salihli Animal Protection Association (HAYKODER) President Attorney...

Historic Signatures Signed in Ankara

  Historic Signatures Signed in Ankara: Salihli OIZ's Wastewater Treatment Plant's Capacity Increases The signatures for the capacity increase project of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, one of the important environmental investments of Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ), were signed in Ankara. This project, which was included in the investment program within the scope of the World Bank-financed OIZ Lending Project, will be completed in July 2024 at the Ministry of Industry and Technology...

Salihli OIZ Board of Directors held the first meeting of September

Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held the first meeting of September Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held the first meeting of September under the chairmanship of President Muhittin Bilget. Deputy Chairman Yunus Er and Board Members Mustafa Kemal Sönmez, Rasim Selçuk and Ercan Petekkaya attended the meeting. At the meeting, the 1st and 2nd Stages...

Salihli Osb Board of Directors held the last meeting of July

  Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held its last meeting of July Salihli Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Board of Directors held its last meeting of July under the chairmanship of our Chairman Muhittin Bilget. The meeting was attended by Yunus Er, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mustafa Kemal Sönmez, Ercan Petekkaya and Rasim Selçuk, who participated via Zoom.