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Salihli OSB 1st Ordinary General Assembly was held with elections and the new management was announced

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  • Salihli OSB 1st Ordinary General Assembly was held with elections and the new management was announced
In accordance with the Law No. 4562 on Organized Industrial Zones and the Organized Industrial Zones Implementation Regulation, the "1st Ordinary General Assembly Meeting with Elections" was held under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Technology officials since more than half of the total parcels in Salihli OIZ have started production.At the meeting, 9 original and 9 substitute members to be included in the Enterprising Committee, which is among the agenda items, were elected. While the list of Participants of the Entrepreneurship Committee presented to the Presidency of the Council as a single list was determined, it was unanimously accepted to take part in the Entrepreneurship Committee of the Organized Industrial Zone for 4 years. PRINCIPAL LIST1- Muhittin BİLGET/NORM SOMUN2- Yunus ER / ZERTUM NATURAL OLIVE3- Mustafa Kemal SÖNMEZ / OKYAP BUILDING MALZ4- Rasim SELÇUK/FEEDTECH MAKINE5- Ercan PETEKKAYA/FARMAVET6- Teoman DURUKAN/RELLA GIDA7- Faruk EROĞLU/AGROBEST8- Bülent KASAP/PULATHANELİLER GIDA9- Erol YAMAN/YAMAN PLASTICRESERVE LIST1- Mehmet ÜNALAN/ÜNALAN HELVA2- Özgür ULUSOY/LIDER PETFOOD3- Mert EMİRBAYER / VERGO ENERGY4- Murat BARUT/A-ÇELİK5- Reyhan GÜÇTAŞ / MC RUBBER6- Aslı ACAR / Real Person7- Kıvanç KUMBUL/LIDYAFARM8- Ahmet Ozan DINÇKAN / MS VIDA9- Teoman ABRAK / VİZYON MÜHENDİSLİKSource Onay OZAN

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